Kanupriya Katyal

Kanupriya Katyal


BE (Elec & Comm Engg), PGDM (Marketing), FPM

Areas of Expertise

Behavioral Pricing, Consumer Behavior, Decision Making

Kanupriya Katyal

Profile & History

Dr. Kanupriya Katyal (Professor, Marketing) is an Electronics & Communication Engineer from University College of Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad, and has a Post Graduate Diploma in Management with specialization in Marketing from Goa Institute of Management, Panaji. She is a Fellow in Management from XLRI, Jamshedpur. She was a Visiting Scholar at Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University, New York, during 2004-05. She is an AIM-AMA Jagdish Sheth Doctoral Consortium Fellow. Her research interests include Price Fairness, Customer Entitlement, Consumer Bargaining, and Spousal Decision Making. Her work is published in Journal of Consumer Marketing, Journal of Real Estate Research and Journal of Revenue & Pricing Management. She has taught a wide range of audience, from senior executives to under-graduate students.

  • Courses taught: Marketing Management, Research Methods, New Product Development, Consumer Judgment & Choice, Marketing Models
  • Courses also taught at: Administrative Staff College of India (Hyderabad), XIMR (Mumbai), BITS, Ras-Al-Khaimah (UAE), MANAGE (Hyderabad).



  • Katyal, K., Dawra, J., & Soni, N. The posh, the paradoxical and the phony: Are there individual differences between consumers of luxury, masstige and counterfeit brands?. Journal of Business Research, 152, 191-204. (2022).
  • Dawra, J., & Katyal, K. Decoding price promotions: a moderated mediation model of fairness, trust, and deal proneness. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 1-18 (2022).
  • Katyal, K., Kanetkar, V. & Patro, S. What is a fair fare? Exploring the differences between perceived price fairness and perceived price unfairness. Journal of Revenue & Pricing Management, 18, 133–146 (2019).
  • Katyal K. & Dawra, J., GACL: Balancing Employee Satisfaction and Productivity. Ivey Case (9B17C007). (2017)  
  • Katyal, K., & Dawra, J., Capturing Heterogeneity in Preference for a Real-Estate Offering Using Hierarchical Bayesian Regression Model. Journal of Real Estate Research, 38(2), 291-319 (2016).
  • Dawra, J., Katyal, K., & Gupta, V., “Can you do something about the price?” – Exploring the Indian deal and bargaining-prone customer. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 32(5), 356-366. (2015).
  • Dawra, J., Katyal, K., & Reddy, M., Perturbation model for a product of joint consumption. Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, 20(3&4), 145-157. (2012).


  • IIM Ahmedabad: Presented a paper on “Self Explicated Conjoint for Heterogeneous Products: The Rs.1 lakh car” in International Conference for Marketing Paradigms in Emerging Economies. The abstract was also published in the conference proceedings. (jointly with Jagrook Dawra)
  • Presented paper on “Store-Brand Equity with emphasis on Vertical Dimensions of Product Differentiation: an Exploratory Study” at "Global Arena - Challenge of the 'Morrow" Conference hosted by NIILM in collaboration with Academy of Marketing Sciences (US) in Dec 2006. The session was chaired by Prof. Parsuraman, (jointly with Jagrook Dawra, Kinnera Murthy)
  • Presented a paper on "Analyzing Influence of Store preference on brand choice using Hierarchical Bayesian Approach" at Great Lakes – North American Society for Marketing Education in India conference at Chennai, India. The conference was co- hosted by Great Lakes institute and Kotler-Srinivasan center for research in Marketing and chaired by Seenu Srinivasan, chair professor Stanford University. Conference was in Dec. 2007. (jointly with Jagrook Dawra)
  • Presented paper on “Perturbation Model for a Product of Joint Consumption” at the conference on Analytics at Great Lakes, Chennai (July 2010). (jointly with Jagrook Dawra)
  • Presented Paper “What is a Fair Fare? Development and Validation of a Price (Un)Fairness Scale” in the track ‘Understanding Consumer Buying Behavior by Listening to the Voice of the Customer’ at the 2014 Annual Conference of Emerging Markets Conference Board, at IIM Lucknow (Noida campus) (jointly with Sanjay Patro, Vinay Kanetkar, Debasis Pradhan and B. Mangaraj)
  • Presented Paper “Can you do something about the price?” – Exploring the Indian Deal, Store-brand and Haggling-prone Consumer in the track ‘Understanding Consumer Buying Behavior by Listening to the Voice of the Customer’ at the 2014 Annual Conference of Emerging Markets Conference, at IIM Lucknow (Noida campus) (jointly with Jagrook Dawra & Vipin Gupta)
  • This paper has been presented at 2014 AMS World Marketing Congress to be held in ESAN Business School in Lima, Peru
  • Presented Paper “Capturing Heterogeneity in Preference for a Real Estate Offering using Hierarchical Bayesian Regression Model” at the Second Pan IIM World Management Conference at IIM Kozhikode. (jointly with Jagrook Dawra)  
  • Presented Paper “Understanding the Impact of Consumer Characteristics on Loyalty” in the Product & Brand Management Track at the 2015 Annual Conference of Emerging Markets Conference Board, at IMT, Dubai (jointly with Sanjay Patro)
  • Presented Paper “Guilty but Happy: Conceptualizing and Delineating Special Treatment from Preferential Treatment”, in the Relationship Marketing Track at the 2017 European Marketing Academy’s Conference (EMAC) at University of Groningen, Netherlands
  • Presented Paper “Special Treatment vs. Preferential Treatment: The Indian Consumer” at the 2018 JAMS India Conference at ISB, Hyderabad

 Book Chapters:

  • Katyal, K., Organization Development Exercise at Aksh to address the problem of high Employee Attrition. In G. Jegadeesan (Ed.), Employee Satisfaction in Knowledge Industry. India: ICFAI, (2007).


  • Katyal K., “Book Review: Customer in the Board Room? Crafting Customer-Based Business Strategy”, 2013, ASCI Journal of Management, 42(2), 114-119 
  • Katyal, K., & Anuradha, K., Outsourcing of Clinical Drug Trials to India: A Promise of Growth if Regulated Properly. Med Monthly, 24-26. (2013, March 1).
  • Dawra, J., & Katyal, K., The Popularity of Personal Computers in India. IBS Case Development Centre. (IPD 0100). (2010).
  • “Item and Test Analysis – Determination of Test Quality” publication by the National Testing Services, MHRD, Govt. of India. 




  • AP Handicrafts Development Council (2006-07): Corporate Restructuring including Organizational analysis, financial analysis, Market and Product Analysis, Customer Satisfaction Survey, Brand Elements Review
  • HLFPPT (2006-07): Program evaluation, and Training Needs Analysis.
  • BHEL (2007-08): Evaluation of Long Duration Training Programs.
  • NE Handloom & Handicraft Council (2008-09): Corporate Restructuring including Organizational analysis, financial analysis, Market and Product Analysis, Customer Satisfaction Survey, Brand Elements Review.
  • Nagaland Industrial Development Corporation (2008-09): Organizational analysis, financial analysis, Industry analysis, and Market Potential Assessment.
  • UGC (2009-10): Manpower Assessment and Planning.
  • ACGL (2012-2013): Employee Satisfaction Survey
  • Mahadan Real Estate (2013-14): Real Estate Survey including Market Environment Assessment; Customer Segmentation and Preference Analysis; Competitor Analysis

Management Development Programs

  • She has conducted over 20 MDPs in Sales Management, Product Strategies, and Customer Relationship Management. Regular Clients to these programs include Orient Cement, LIC, PNB, Novartis, Balmer & Lawrie, KVB, etc.
  • She has also conducted In-Company MDPs for Indofil Chemicals, Suguna Poultry & Farms through ASCI and her other clients have been LIC (Hyderabad); Care Hospital (Hyderabad); Dhanuka (Hyderabad)