B.Tech.(Chem., IIT BHU); PBM (University of Warwick); PGDOM (IGNOU); Ph.D. (BITS Pilani)

Light Hindi Vocals
Any Language. Suspense/Thriller
Areas of Expertise
Operations, Supply Chain.
Raj V. Amonkar
Profile & History
Dr. Raj V. Amonkar is a Ph.D. from BITS Pilani, KK Birla Goa campus with a Post Graduate Diploma in Operations Management from Indira Gandhi National Open University and B.Tech. in chemical engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University. Raj attended the Process Business Management Programme at the University of Warwick, UK, and also completed the Supply Manager Course at Syngenta’s Supply Chain Academy.
Dr. Raj is currently a Professor in the area of Production & Operations Management at Goa Institute of Management since November 2011. He was additionally charged with the responsibility of the Management Development Program (2012-2015), PGDM Part-Time program (2015-2017) and PGDM Full-Time Flagship program (2017-2020) of Goa Institute of Management. He was a member of the Academic Advisory Council of Goa Institute of Management during 2012-2020.
Prior to joining Goa Institute of Management, Dr. Raj had over 26 years of industrial experience with reputed organizations in the areas of Global Logistics and Supply Chain (including Production and Supply Chain Planning, Supply Chain Design, Vendor Scheduling, Export-Import, Warehouse/Stores, Inventory Control and Dispatch, Distribution Safety and Compliance) and Manufacturing Operations (encompassing Production, Quality, Technical Services, Projects, and Utilities). Raj had also presented papers at several national and international conferences. Dr. Raj is a Member Logistics Committee of CII, Goa. He was a Member Logistics Committee, Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industry during 2009-2011 and was nominated as Expert-Chemicals by TUV SUD, Germany during 2003-2004. He was nominated by the Government of Goa as a member of the committee to formulate the export strategy in 2018.
Courses taught: Production/Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, Project Management.
Book Chapters:
- Amonkar, R., 2014.’Design of a global supply chain: Issues and Concerns’ in Karuna Jain, L. Ganapathy, Ravindra Gokhale, Mukundan,R., eds., Manufacturing Excellence: Imperative for Emerging Economies, Mumbai Excel India Publishing,pp.181-186
- Amonkar, R., 2015.’ Issues and concerns in the design of a global supply chain’ in Rajeev Sharma, Smriti Asthana, Chandra S. Lalwani, eds., Global Supply Chain Management and Emerging Markets, N. Delhi, Bloomsbury India, pp.343-352
- Amonkar, R., 2016.’ Innovative solutions for implementing global supply chains in emerging markets, Ashish Dwivedi, John Wang, eds., IGI Global Book Series: Advances in Logistics, Operations and Management Science (ALOMS)Global Supply Chain Management and Emerging Markets, USA, IGI Global, pp.28-48
Working Papers/Book Chapters:
- Amonkar, R., Roy,V., Patnaik,D., 2020. The role of value-adding services to attain performance differentials in seaport logistics: The service supply chain of logistics service providers, Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal.
- Amonkar, R., Sengupta,T., Patnaik,D., 2020. OCTO SCM: Optimizing Iron Ore Supply Chain , Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies.
- Amonkar, R., 2020. ‘Methodologies for achieving environmental sustainability and improving customer response’, Ashish Dwivedi, eds., Leadership Strategies for Global Supply Chain Management in Emerging Markets, USA, IGI Global
- Amonkar, R., Issues and concerns in the design of a global supply chain: A Case Study, paper presented at International Conference on Supply Chain and Logistics Management (ICSCLM) 2013 organized by BIMTECH
- Amonkar, R., Design of a global supply chain: Issues and Concerns, paper presented at NITIE-POMS Conference 2014 organized by NITIE, POMS
- Amonkar, R., Design of a global supply chain: Issues and Concerns, paper presented at 4th Asian Management Research and Case Conference (AMRC) 2015 organized by GSB, USM, IIMB, LUMS
- Amonkar, R., Application of social networks in the design of a global supply chain, paper presented at 5th Asian Management Research and Case Conference (AMRC) 2016 organized by UOWD, IIMB, LUMS
- Amonkar, R., Supply chain collaboration in a competitive environment: An assessment of seaport logistics network using a structural equation model, paper presented at 1st Conference on Applied Economics and Finance (CAEF) 2019 organized by GIM
- Over 25 years of industry in operations and supply chain management and over 13 years in academics
- Chaired the Management Development Program (2012-2015), PGDM Part Time program (2015-2017) and PGDM Full Time Flagship program (2017-2020) of Goa Institute of Management
- Member, Academic Advisory Council of Goa Institute of Management from 2012-2020.