Anubhav A. Mishra







M.Com. (Marketing), M.B.A. (Marketing), M.Phil. (Marketing), Ph.D. (Marketing)

Areas of Expertise

Consumer psychology in the field of branding, retailing, spatial and numerical processing, and consumption experiences.

Anubhav A. Mishra

Profile & History

Dr. Anubhav A. Mishra is a Professor of Marketing at the Goa Institute of Management. Previously, he has taught at the T. A. Pai Management Institute (TAPMI; AACSB and AMBA Accredited), ICFAI Business School (IBS; AACSB Accredited), and Amrita School of Business (ASB; AACSB Accredited). He was also associated with the Reliance Telecom Ltd. He has qualified the UGC NET (2012) and completed the Management Teacher’s Program.

His research focuses on the role of consumer psychology with strategic marketing implications in the field of branding, retailing, spatial and numerical processing, and consumption experiences. His work has been published/forthcoming in the Journal of Consumer Behavior, Journal of Brand Management, International Journal of Market Research, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Journal of Consumer Marketing, International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, Journal of Global Marketing, and International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society amongst others. Till date, his research has been cited 394 times including in class leading journals like the Journal of Marketing (ABDC Journal Ranking 'A*'; FT50), Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (ABDC Journal Ranking 'A*'; FT50), and Journal of Business Ethics (FT50).

He teaches Marketing Research, Product and Brand Management, Retailing Management, Customer Relationship Management, Marketing Management and Advanced Marketing Management. He has written a book and presented papers at many international and national conferences. He has conducted 16 MDP/FDPs.

Courses taught: Marketing Research, Product and Brand Management, Retailing Management, Customer Relationship Management, Marketing Management and Advanced Marketing Management.






  • Mishra, Anubhav A. (2023), Low literate customer experience: An empirical exploration, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, forthcoming. (ABDC Journal Ranking ‘A’). (With M. Verma, Doctoral student)
  • Mishra, Anubhav A. (2023), Socio-demographic, shopping self-concept, and shopping-context related moderators of customer experience, International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 33(2). (ABDC Journal Ranking ‘B’). (With M. Verma, Doctoral student)
  • Mishra, Anubhav A. (2022), Low-literate versus literate customer experience: Dimensions, consequences and moderators, International Journal of Market Research, 64(1). (ABDC Journal Ranking ‘A’; Impact Factor–1.51). (With M. Verma, Doctoral student)
  • Mishra, Anubhav A. (2020), When should We not expect Attraction Effect? The Moderating influence of Analytic versus Holistic Thinking, Journal of Strategic Marketing, 28(5). (ABDC Journal Ranking ‘A’). (With P. Banerjee, IIM Kozikhode; P. Chatterjee, University of Utah; S. Mishra, University of Kansas)
  • Mishra, Anubhav A., S. C. Sharma, V. Gautam and R. Manna (2019), Gandhian Values and Consumption Behaviour: Scale Development and Validation, Journal of Strategic Marketing, 27(6). (ABDC Journal Ranking ‘A’).
  • Mishra, Anubhav A. (2019), Loss is a Loss, Why Categorize it? Mental Accounting across Cultures, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 18(2). (ABDC Journal Ranking ‘A’; Impact Factor–1.58). (With P. Banerjee, IIM Kozikhode; P. Chatterjee, University of Utah; S. Mishra, University of Kansas) (2 Citations Received)
  • Mishra, Anubhav A. (2018), Consumer Responses to Brand Deletion, Journal of Brand Management, 25(2). (ABDC Journal Ranking ‘A’; Impact Factor–1.82) (7 Citations Received)
  • Mishra, Anubhav A. (2016), The Role of Customer Gratitude in Relationship Marketing: Moderation and Model Validation, Journal of Strategic Marketing, 24(6). (ABDC Journal Ranking ‘A’) (22 Citations Received)
  • Mishra, Anubhav A. (2015), Consumer Innovativeness and Consumer Decision Styles: A Confirmatory and Segmentation Analysis, International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 25(1). (ABDC Journal Ranking ‘B’) (24 Citations Received)
  • Mishra, Anubhav A. and A. Mishra (2014), National vs. Local Celebrity Endorsement and Politics, International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society, 27(4). (APSA Journal Ranking ‘C’) (23 Citations Received)
  • Mishra, Anubhav A. (2014), Shopping Value, Satisfaction and Behavioural Intentions: A Socio-Demographic and Inter-Product Category Study on Private Label Brands, Journal of Global Marketing, 27(4). (ABDC Journal Ranking ‘B’) (13 Citations Received)
  • Mishra, Anubhav A. (2013), Psychoanalytic Accounts of Consuming Desire: Hearts of Darkness, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 30(7). (ABDC Journal Ranking ‘A’)
  • Mishra, Anubhav A. (2012), Not For Free: Revenue Strategies for a New World, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 29(4). (ABDC Journal Ranking ‘A’) (2 Citations Received)
  • Mishra, Anubhav A. (2012), About Face: The Secrets of Emotionally Effective Advertising, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 29(2). (ABDC Journal Ranking ‘A’)
  • Mishra, Anubhav A. and M. K. Srivastava (2012), Shopping Value, Satisfaction and its Behavioral Outcomes in the Purchase of Private Label Branded Products: A Theoretical framework, Journal of Marketing and Operations Management Research, 1(3). (3 Citations Received)
  • Mishra, Anubhav A. (2012), Consumer Decision-Making Styles and Young-Adult Consumers: An Indian Exploration, Management and Marketing Journal, 8(2). (55 Citations Received)
  • Mishra, Anubhav A. (2010), In Search of the Obvious: The Antidote for Today's Marketing Mess, Asia Pacific Business Review, 6(4). 
  • Mishra, Anubhav A. (2010), Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction and their Relative Importance in the Retail Banking Sector: An Empirical Study, Icfaian Journal of Management Research, 9(3). (24 Citations Received)
  • Mishra, Anubhav A. (2009), A Study on Customer Satisfaction in the Indian Retail Banking, Icfaian Journal of Management Research, 8(11). (57 Citations Received)


  • Mishra, Anubhav A. (2011), Customer Satisfaction and Retail Banking: An Indian Experience. LAP Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-8443-9423-8

Book Chapters:

  • Mishra, Anubhav A. and M. K. Srivastava (2013), Shopping Value, Satisfaction and its Behavioral Outcomes in the Purchase of Private Label Branded Products: A Theoretical framework. In P. Kyriazopoulos (Ed.). HRM and Marketing Orientation in the New Era, p. 235-54, Nova Science Publishers: New York. ISBN: 978-1-62808-959-2


  • Mishra, Anubhav A., Loss is a loss why categorize it? Mental Accounting across Cultures, presented at the 9th NASMEI International Marketing Conference, organized by Great Lakes Institute of Management held on 26th and 27th December, 2015. (With S. Mishra, University of Kansas; P. Banerjee, Penn State Abington; P. Chatterjee, University of Kansas)
  • Mishra, Anubhav A., Young-Adult Consumer Decision-Making Styles: A Confirmatory Validation in the Indian Context, presented at the International Conference in Marketing, organized by IIM Lucknow held during 12-14th January, 2012.
  • Mishra, Anubhav A., Factors affecting Customer Satisfaction and their Relative Importance: An Empirical Study in the Indian Retail Banking Sector, presented at the International Conference on Business & Finance (ICBF-10) organized by IBS, Hyderabad & IICM, Mumbai on 12th and 13th March, 2010.
  • Mishra, Anubhav A., A Study of Some Success and Failure Stories in the Field of Viral Marketing in India, presented at the  International Conference on Marketing & Business Strategy (ICOMBS-09) organized by IBS, Hyderabad on 5th and 6th January, 2009.


  • Associate Professor, Amrita School of Business (AACSB Accredited)
  • Associate Professor, T. A. Pai Management Institute (AACSB and AMBA Accredited)
  • Faculty Member, ICFAI Business School (AACSB and SAQS Accredited)
  • Customer Relationship Executive, Reliance Telecom Ltd.