At GIM, we believe that our responsibility as a management institution isn’t restricted by the boundaries of a classroom. Through our various Centres of Excellence, we try our best to contribute to our community from multiple angles.
Centre for Social Sensitivity and Action (CSSA)
The Centre For Social Sensitivity and Action (CSSA) at the Goa Institute of Management (GIM) acts as a bridge between GIM and the external community of which we are part.
CSSA plays a crucial role in inculcating values of sensitivity, responsibility, and empathy among students to enable them to build a sustainable business and society.
Established in 2013, CSSA contributes to GIM’s mission of “create knowledge and develop responsible and agile leaders at the forefront of cutting-edge business practices” by inculcating among students values of sensitivity, responsibility, and empathy to enable them to build a sustainable business and society.

Guiding Principles
Goa Institute of Management is a member of a group of institutions that is committed to implementing the Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME). GIM has been selected as PRME Champions for 2023-24 and CSSA is coordinating from the institute side. CSSA remains committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) initiative, and the promotion of responsible management. Access our latest SIP here PRME Report 2022
GIM's SDG Dashboard
The SDG Dashboard is a collaborative data analytics platform designed to assist higher education institutions in reporting and sharing best practice impacts on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and accelerate the transformation of higher education into a force for good. The SDG Dashboard is provided by the Haub School of Business at Saint Joseph’s University.
Click here to view the SDG Dashboard. If you are on a mobile device, click here.
The Team
Chairperson: Dr. Divya Singhal
Member: Dr. Sreerupa Sengupta
Member: Dr. Anup Kumar Maurya
Member: Dr. Prakash Singh
Member: Dr. Shiv Nath Sinha
Staff Member: Ms. Kay Karen Gomes
To know more about us, you can check https://linktr.ee/cssagim.
We recently launched our website that can be accessed here https://cssa.gim.ac.in/
We welcome you to write to us at cssa@gim.ac.in
Centre for Excellence in Sustainable Development
GIM has always been conscious about the impact of its decisions on the ecosystem around it and has continuously strived to reduce its carbon footprints. Along with measures like rainwater harvesting, harnessing solar-power, tree plantation drives, treatment of water for reuse, and many more, the institute has expressed its commitment to this philosophy also through its mission statement which allies about sustainable business and an inclusive society for India and the world.
The centre started working with three core objectives in mind
- Knowledge creation:
to develop model institute for green campus in India and transform GIM community into a more sustainable community. At the same time, use these processes for action research in the field of sustainable development - Knowledge Dissemination:
To increase awareness about green living and sustainable development in the community around us and carry out activities to try to reduce the carbon footprint of the state of Goa and see India as a whole - Knowledge Application:
To develop a resource center for sustainable development at GIM for imparting training.
Strategic Plan:
Dr. Arpita Amarnani- CESD CHAIR
Dr. Vithal S. Sukhathankar- MEMBER
Dr. Diya Guha Roy- MEMBER
Dr. Muneeb Ul Lateef Banday- MEMBER
Dr. Shubhamitra Patra- MEMBER
Dr. Abhinav Sharma- MEMBER
Dr. Mauli Soni- MEMBER
Sustainability Report
Read the GIM Sustainability Report for 2021-22
Read the GIM Sustainability Report for 2022-23
Faunal Biodiversity Report
Read the Faunal Biodiversity Report
The Centre has a newsletter titled "Sustainability Horizon" which aims at addressing the changing dynamism in the field of environmental sustainability.
Volume 1: Sustainable Horizon VOL 1
Volume 2: Sustainable Horizon VOL 2
Volume 3: Sustainability Horizon Volume 3 Issue 1
Sustainability Horizon Volume 3 Issue 2

Centre of Excellence in Research (CER)

GIM's philosophy states that the focus of research at GIM is “To enhance knowledge through research in the fields of management, social, economic, industrial, rural, scientific and to disseminate such knowledge with a view to contributing to the orderly growth, development and the quality of life of the people of Goa and of the country as a whole”.
Working Papers:-
Some of our recent publications.
Impact of Covid-19 on Indian fashion supply chains
Prof. Divya Singhal in collaboration with a faculty team at University of Leeds, U.K.
Helping when it matters: optimal time for supporting women’s self‐employment in India
By Prof. Kiran K & his co-researchers
Revisiting the role of tourism and globalization in environmental degradation in China: Fresh insights from the quantile ARDL approach
By Prof. Avik Sinha & his co-researchers
Centre for Creativity, Innovation and Design Thinking (CCIDT)

Creativity, Innovation and Imagination are a critical skills needed by the manager of tomorrow. We have to "imagine" the future- products, services, and the universe we as a race will need. Design Thinking has fast become a powerful tool to approach new ideas in a disciplined manner. It uses a human centered approach to find sustainable solutions to existing problems. The Centre works at multiple levels to provide students with ample opportunities to "practice" these skills with the use of workshops, contests and opportunities to help students “see” solutions when none seem to exist and harnesses metaphors to see new product/service designs possibilities.
- Develops students' multiple skills, based on Howard Gardner's multiple intelligences
- Provides rich opportunities to train and expand the intelligence for better insights into problem-solving.
- Is headed by a Centre Chairperson & 12 member student team to ensure that consistent discipline and proof of learning is maintained throughout.
- Carries out activities like theatre, dance, short film making, photography, art and music, open mic, and stand-up comedy.
Centre for Public Policy and Governance (CPP)
Centre for Public Policy and Governance (CPPG) is one of the new initiatives at GIM. The CPPG is primarily motivated towards exploring the links between the field of management and public policy.
The Centre has the objective of generating and leading intellectual capital, and experience to inform public policy formulation and governance in India and emerging economies. The Centre aims to generate awareness among the student community by providing a platform to discuss and analyze public policies. It will serve as a platform for academics from all over the country and beyond, policymakers, and others interested in public policy and governance to interact, and dialogue. Its philosophy is predicated on the belief that effective public policy is always deeply contextualized. Having functional organizations, and managerial and design capability within government and parastatals as much as the content of public policy is important for success.
The Centre also contributes to regional development by actively participating in various policy initiatives undertaken by the government and various non-governmental actors.
International Conference on the State of Employment in India: Problems and Prospects - May 10th-11th 2022
The Centre for Public Policy and Governance, of the Goa Institute of Management, invites scholars to submit and present research papers at the conference.
An extended 1000-word abstract and brief CV may kindly be e-mailed to the Centre, by March 10th, 2022.
Please write “CPPG / Employment Conference / Your Name / Title of Paper “in the subject line. Upon selection, you would be required to send the complete paper by April 30, 2022.
Kindly email your abstracts and papers to cppg_ra[at]gim.ac.in or to chandrashekar[at]gim.ac.in
The Conference is planned to be held at the Sanquelim Campus of the Goa Institute of Management, Goa, INDIA. Travel expenses (within India), for those presenting their papers, would be covered. [In case the COVID restrictions continue, the conference would be held online].
For more Information please download the Information bulletin below:-