Ph.D. , Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship in Economics

Areas of Expertise
Mathematical Economics, Mathematical Finance, Mathematical Analysis and its Application, Optimization and Operations Research, Industrial Organization, Revenue Management, Game Theory, Probability Theory and Applications, Microeconomics, Actuaries,
Dipankar Das
Research Publications
- "A model of collusion formation and measurement in the open ascending bid auctions in the agricultural markets"(2023), Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print., ABS-2, Q1).
- "Non-linear pricing in E-commerce: an exploration"(As a first author and jointly with V.S.Jadhav),(2022), Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 49 No. 8, pp. 1453-1475., ABS-2, Q1).
- "Managing the job guarantee public policy schemes: a strategic approach"(2023), Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 50 No. 4, pp. 645-673. (ABDC-B, ABS-2, Q1).
- "Understanding the choice of human resource and the artificial intelligence: “strategic behavior” and the existence of industry equilibrium"(2023), Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 50 No. 2, pp. 234-267., ABS-2, Q1).
- Measurement of collusion in open ascending price auctions in agricultural commodity markets, Accepted for Publication at the Studies in Microeconomics, 2021, (As a first author and jointly with Prof. Sanjeev Kapoor), Available at SSRN: or (ABDC-C).
- A Relationship between the Factor Indivisibility and the Output Elasticity of the Indivisible Factor, Studies in Microeconomics. DOI:, 82–105,2022. (ABDC-C)
- Multilayer of Suppliers Fixed Costs and Spatial Competition in the Upstream Market as a Source of Retailers Buying Power, Studies in Microeconomics, DOI:, 210–226 (2019). Available at SSRN: or (ABDC-C).
- Buyer Market Power and the Model of Vertical Restraints in Agribusiness, International Journal of Sustainable Economics and Management, 8(2) DOI:, 10-35 (2019) (Inspec, IDEAS/RePEc).
- Strategic Price Behaviour of Large Capital Retail Traders in the Retail Market and Scope of Interaction with the Small Capital Retail Traders: A Theoretical Analysis, Artha Beekshan (A Journal of Bengal Economic Association), ISSN No: 0972-1185, 23(4), (2015), Available at SSRN:
- Strategic Price Behaviour of Large Capital Retail Traders in the Retail Market and Scope of Interaction with the Small Capital Retail Traders: An Empirical Study in West Bengal, Indian Journal of Social and Natural Sciences, ISSN No: 2277-6117, 4, (2015).
Book Chapters
- The Small Farmers and the Large Traders in Neo-Liberal Times Narratives on Trust Formation in Trust in Transactions edited by P. Ray, (2019), India: BlackSwan Pvt. Ltd., ISBN No: 9789352876259, (p. 235-255).
- Quality attribute and non-linear Pricing under changing agriculture-food retailing: a study in India in Retail Marketing in India Trends and Future Insights edited by A. Gupta, & K. Dave,(2016), New Delhi: Emerald Publishing, ISBN: 978-1-7863541-0-5, (pp. 27-41).
- Possibility of cartel between small capital and large capital trader under changing retail and wholesale trade in India in DEVELOPMENT AND DIVERSIFICATION ASPECTS OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT edited by P. K. Chattopadhyay, & S. D. Kushwaha, (2016), New Delhi: Renu Publishers, ISBN No: 978-93-85502-27-9, (pp. 15-33).
- Strategy in Agricultural Marketing Leading to Inclusive Growth under Changing Retail Trade in India with Special Reference to Globalization in Inclusive Growth: Emerging Scenario in India in DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (HMC) SEMINAR VOLUME, Kolkata: Lawpoint Publications, ISBN No: 978-93-82472-06-3 (2012).
- The paper entitled “Topology of the Commodity Space and its Effect on Transition Probability in Discrete Time Markov Decision Process” was presented at the International Conference on Mathematical Analysis and its Applications (ICMAA-2019) Decemeber14-16, 2019, Department of Mathematics, South Asian University, New Delhi-110021, India.
- The paper entitled “Multilayer of Suppliers Fixed Costs, Monopoly Power and the Model of Vertical Restraints of India” was presented at the International Conference on Agribusiness in Emerging Economies. TERI University, New Delhi, India (January 2-3 2018).
- The paper entitled “Buyer Market Power and the Model of Vertical Restraints in Indian Agribusiness” was presented at the 11th ISDSI (The Indian Subcontinent Decision Sciences Institute) International Conference, December 27-30, 2017, organized in association with the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India. (Dec 28-30, 2017).
- The paper entitled “Bargaining Problem of Small Farmer and Large Trader and the Model of Vertical Restraints in Indian Agriculture” presented at the 5th International Conference on Research Trends in Engineering, Applied Science and Management (ICRTESM-2017) at The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE, Pune) 62 Indiranagar, Erandwane, Pune, (23 July 2017 Sunday).
- The paper entitled “Quality Attribute and Non-linear Pricing under changing agriculture-food retailing: a study in India” presented at the Two days Indian Retail Conference, “Indian Retail: Will it Strive or Thrive”, organized by “School of Business, Public Policy, and Social Entrepreneurship”, Ambedkar University Delhi on February 26-27, 2016.
- The paper entitled “Economics of Risk Preference, Strategic Behaviour and Determinants of Trust, Under Changing Agriculture‐Food Systems”, presented at the Indian Council of Social Science Research sponsored three-day Economic Sociology Conference on Trust in Transaction organized by the Institute of Development Studies Kolkata in collaboration with the Rabindranath Tagore Centre for Human Development Studies on November 16‐18, 2015.
- The paper entitled “Market Structure and Strategic Price Behaviour-An Interpretation of Food Price Behaviour Under Changing Wholesale and Retail Markets”, presented at the 51st Annual Conference of The Indian Econometric Society (TIES), Organized by the Department of Economics, Planning Commission Chair, Centre for Research in Economic Change, Centre for Development Economics and Innovation Studies (CDEIS), Punjabi University, Patiala during 12-14 December 2014.
- The paper entitled “A bargaining theoretic approach in finding changes of small capital traders’ preferences with the presence of large capital or corporate traders and condition for raising farmer’s gain under changing trading market of agriculture commodities”, presented at the UGC-SAP (DRS-I) Sponsored international seminar on “Political Economy of Agrarian Crisis and Environmental Challenges in India” organized by the Department of Economics and Politics, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan, during March 21-22, 2014.
- The paper entitled “Price behavior and risk measurement in agriculture commodities: a study of the impact of corporate investment in West Bengal” presented at the 34th annual conference of Bangiya Arthaniti Parisad (Bengal Economic Association), 2014, sponsored by UGC and ICSSR on February 22 and 23, 2014 at the department of economics, Lady Brabourne College, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
- The paper entitled “Strategy in Agricultural Marketing Leading to Inclusive Growth under Changing Retail Trade in India with Special Reference to Globalization” was presented at the UGC sponsored two-day national seminar held at P-2 Hall, Hooghly Mohsin College, Chinsurah, Hooghly, on February 24-25, 2012 (Friday-Saturday), organized by Department of Commerce (UG&PG) Hooghly Mohsin College in collaboration with Commerce Alumni Association, the University of Calcutta on “Inclusive growth: Emerging Scenario in India”.
- The paper entitled “Competitive behavior between small capital retailers and large capital retailers, Consumer’s rational decision on the choice of retail store and Existence of small capital retail chain with the presence of large capital retailers” presented at the The golden jubilee national seminar on contemporary issues in business, organized by The Department of Commerce, The University of Burdwan 13-14 March,2014.