PhD in Economics, PGDPM (equivalent to MBA)

Kingshuk Sarkar
History & Profile
Dr. Kingshuk Sarkar is an Associate Professor and Area Chair at the Goa Institute of Management.
Dr Kingshuk Sarkar has a PhD in Economics from the Centre for Economic Studies & Planning, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi. He did his M.Phil. and Masters in Economics from Jadavpur and Calcutta University respectively. He has qualified for both UGC JRF and SLET (West Bengal) and was an ICSSR Doctoral Fellow. He also completed Post Graduate Diploma in Personnel Management from NIPM (equivalent to MBA).
Dr Kingshuk Sarkar had worked for Govt. of West Bengal as Labour Administrator for over two decades. He has worked as a Fellow at the V V Giri National Labour Institute, Noida for three years on deputation. Worked as Assistant Professor in the National Institute of Rural Development, Hyderabad on deputation. Govt. of India, in connection with works related to BPL Census 2011. Worked as guest faculty at the Department of Economics, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, for two years. Overall his experiences encompass both administrative and academic perspectives.
His areas of interest are plantation economics, labour economics, industrial relation, law and economics, labour administration, informal sector labour etc. His teaching interests include Micro and Macroeconomics, Development Economics, Future of Work, Industrial Relation, Labour Laws, Law and Economics etc. He has carried out a number of research projects on various aspects of the informal labour market in India. He has written extensively on industrial relations and labour law matters.
He has in his credit a number of publications in reputed journals like Global Labour Journal, Economic and Political Weekly, Indian Journal of Labour Economics, Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, Labour & Development, Mainstream Weekly etc. He has written a large number of articles for reputed online platforms like The Wire, The Print, Newsclick, The Leaflet, The Policycircle, Eleventh Column etc. He has published post-edit articles in newspapers like The Hindu, Financial Express, Businessline, Deccan Herald etc.
He has attended, Chaired and conducted numerous conferences, workshops, and seminars in India and outside. He has carried out important research assignments in India and abroad and has represented India on global forums on a few occasions. He has carried out research projects and consultancy for organizations like International Labour Organization, Asian Productivity Organization, EGROW Foundation, AJNIFM etc. He did numerous research projects with National Research Programme on Plantation Development, Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram.
He has delivered invited Talks at places like JNU, IRMA, CDS, IIFT, GIDR, IDF etc. He has authored policy and vision documents for the Ministry for Labour & Employment, Govt. of India, Labour Department, Govt, of West Bengal, Govt. of Goa etc. He has worked as a resource person extensively for organizations like State Labour Institute, West Bengal, PDNASS, Delhi, NIRD, Hyderabad, Rajiv Gandhi Law University, Patiala etc.
- Ghosh, Santanu, Sarkar, Kingshuk, Swagata Bhowmik (2004), Collective Bargaining in the Indian Tea Industry: A Case Study of West Bengal Tea Plantations: Indian Journal of Labour Economics, December
- Sarkar Kingshuk (2008), Globalisation, Restructuring and Labour Flexibility in Tea Plantations in West Bengal Indian Journal of Labour Economics, December, New Delhi
- Sarkar Kingshuk (2016), ‘Wage, Mobility and Labour Market Institutions in Tea Plantations’ A Chapter in an edited book on Plantations titled “Globalization, Development and Plantation Labour in India” published by Routledge commissioned by CDS, Thiruvananthapuram
- Sarkar Kingshuk (2016), Organizational Innovation: The Case of Women Tea Plantation Workers in Kerala in Labour & Development, Vol 23, No. 2, December
- Roychowdhury Anamitra & Sarkar Kingshuk (2021), Labour Reforms in a Neo-liberal Setting: Lessons from India, Global Labour Journal, Vol. 12 No. 1 (2021): January (
- Mehrotra Santosh & Sarkar Kingshuk (2021), Social Security Code, 2020 and Rules A Critique, Economic & Political Weekly, Volume 56, Issue 12, March 20,
- Sarkar Kingshuk & Ghosh Vinit (2021), Plantation Workers and OSHWC Code, 2020, Economic & Political Weekly, Vol LVI, No. 38, September 18, 2021,
- Sarkar Kingshuk (2021), Changing World of Work and Labour Market Institutions in India, in The Governance of Labour Administration edited by Jason Heyes and Ludek Rychly, Elgar, Publication Date: November 2021 ISBN: 978 1 80220 314 1
- Sarkar Kingshuk (2022), Plight of Migrant Informal Workers in India in the Context of Covid-19 and Inadequacy of Existing Labour Legislations, in ed book titled ‘Covid-19 Pandemic, Public Policy and Institutions in India, Issues in Labour, Income and Human Development’, Edited by Indranil De, Soumyadip Chattopadhyay, Hippu Salk Kristle Nathan and Kingshuk Sarkar, Routledge Research in Public Administration and Public Policy , March 2022
- Ghatak Amrita & Sarkar Kingshuk (2022), The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Domestic Workers in India, in ed book titled ‘Covid-19 Pandemic, Public Policy and Institutions in India, Issues in Labour, Income and Human Development’, Edited by Indranil De, Soumyadip Chattopadhyay, Hippu Salk Kristle Nathan and Kingshuk Sarkar, Routledge Research in Public Administration and Public Policy, March 2022
- Ghatak, A., Sarkar, K (2022), Status of Domestic Workers in India: A Tale of Two Cities. Ind. J. Labour Econ. 65, 863–879 (2022).
- Sarkar Kingshuk (2022), TCS Employee Reinstatement: Restoring the Efficacy of Labour Laws, Economic & Political Weekly, Vol 57, Issue No. 43, Oct 22
- Ghatak, A., Sarkar K (2023), Legal Protection for Domestic Workers in COVID-19 Pandemic Times in India: Employers’ Perspectives, Indian Journal of Industrial Relation, Vol. 58, No. 3, January
- Sarkar Kingshuk & Samantroy Ellina (2023), New Labour Codes and Implications for Women Workers, Special Article, EPW Vol LVIII, No. 5, February 4
- Samantroy, Ellina & Sarkar, Kingshuk (2020), Violence in Times of COVID-19 Lack of Legal Protection for Women Informal Workers, Economic & Political Weekly, September 7
- India’s Informal Economy has not shrunk, Santosh Mehrotra & Kingshuk Sarkar, The Hindu, Dec 1, 2021
- Rework Social Security Code for Informal Workers, Santosh Mehrotra & Kingshuk Sarkar, May 19, Businessline
- A Collage of Laws that Leaves the Worker Out in the Cold, Santosh Mehrotra and Kingshuk Sarkar, The Hindu
Working Papers
- Discussion Paper No. 23: TRENDS AND PRICE FORMATION MECHANISM IN INDIAN TEA AUCTIONS, NRPPD Discussion Paper, CDS, Trivandrum, 2013
- NRPPD Discussion Paper No. 46 Wages, Mobility and Labour Market Institutions in Tea Plantations: The Case of West Bengal and Assam, Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, July 2015
- Family Labour in Small Holding Plantation Sector: A Study with Special Focus on Women and Children in Selected Areas of South Asia: NLI Research Studies Series No. 134/2019, V V Giri National Labour Institute, Noida (ISBN 978-93-82902-62-1)
- A Tale of Three States: Labour Reforms in the States of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and West Bengal: NLI Research Series No. 135/2019, V V Giri National Labour Institute, Noida, (ISBN 978-93-89202-63-8)
- Low wages and gender discrimination: The case of plantation workers in West Bengal: NLI Research Series No. 136/2019, V V Giri National Labour Institute, Noida
- Complexity in the Determination of Minimum Wages for Domestic Workers in India: NLI Research Series No. 137/2019, V V Giri National Labour Institute, Noida
- Enhancing Labour Administration’s Performance in India: NLI Research Studies Series No. 118/2016, V V Giri National Labour Institute, Noida
Professional Journals & Online
- Sarkar, Kingshuk (2007), Labour and HRD in Indian Tea industry: Will they come together? CMRD Journal of Management Research, Vol 6, No 1, January-June, Pune
- Sarkar, Kingshuk (2015), Export Competitiveness and Internal Consumption: The Case of Indian Tea' was published in the Winter Special Issue of IMI Konnect, Volume 4, Issue 10 (ISSN 2321-9378)
- Sarkar Kingshuk (2020), Introduction of Labour Codes and Its Possible Impact on Labour Market, IMI Konnect, Vol 9, Issue 3, October 16,
- Sarkar Kingshuk (2021), Discontents of Labour Reforms in the Context of Formulations of Labour Codes, Kolkata Kindle, NHRD Kolkata Chapter, Page 28-31, January (
- Sarkar, Kingshuk (2021), Universalization of Social Security Remains Unfulfilled in New Code on Social Security, IMI Konnect, Vol 10(2),
- Sarkar, Kingshuk (2023), The Status of Gig and Platform Workers in India, IMI Konnect, Volume 12, Issue 1, Jan-Dec, 2023
- India's Draft Social Security Code Falls Short of Fulfilling Key Aspirations, 2020/5/27,
- Payment of Wages and Retrenchment in Lockdown Times, 2020/5/24,
- A Good Crisis for Exemption from Labour Laws: Miseries of Indian Working Class, 2020/5/17,,
- Perils of lockdown and informal sector workers: Reflections in the time of Covid-19, 2020/4, www. vikalp. ind. In
- Of Migration, State Directives and Labour Laws: The case of Uttar Pradesh, May 2020,
- India’s Inter-State Migrant Workmen Act of 1979 Needs Urgent Overhaul, 29/06/2020,
- Here Are All the Issues that Remain Unresolved in the Draft Code on Wages Rules, July 08, 2020,
- Women in India’s Informal Sectors Continue to Remain Outside Maternity Benefit Coverage, July 17, 2020,
- India Prepares to Introduce Fixed Term Employment’ Amidst Strong Opposition, July 30, 2020,
- Why Is It Difficult to Implement the Minimum Wages Act in India? August 8, 2020,
- Forgotten faces of India’s Vulnerable Children during COVID-19: Will India respond to the surging Child Labour?, August 9, 2020,
- Migrant Workers and their Children in Kerala Continue to Face Crippling Problems, August 21, 2020,
- India’s Child Labour Crisis May Worsen Post-COVID: How to Curb It? 28 August, 2020,
- COVID-19 Adds Fuel to India’s Bonded Labour Crisis, August 30, 2020,
- As COVID-19 Chokes Garment Supply Chains in India, Workers Suffer, September 10, 2020,
- Blame this archaic 1979 law for Modi govt’s lack of data on migrants’ deaths, September 23, 2020,
- Under new labour code, an Uber driver can be both gig and platform worker. It’s a problem, October 12, 2020,
- For Unorganised Workers, New Social Security Code Creates Needless Confusion, 29 December 2020,
- Code on Social Security 2020: Need to Unclutter Social Security Landscape for Unorganised Workers, January 9, 2021,
- India’s New OSH Code Appreciates Migrants’ Realities But Fails to Ensure Comprehensive Coverage, Kingshuk Sarkar, Eleventh column, 27 October, 2020,
- Is 2016 a Prudent Choice for India’s New CPI Industrial Workers Base Year, Eleventh Column, Kingshuk Sarkar, 13 November, 2020,
- To Create Jobs India Needs a Comprehensive National Employment Policy, Eleventh Column, November 25, 2020,
- Do we really need a separate national policy for migrant workers? | Kingshuk Sarkar, Mainstream, VOL LIX No 20, New Delhi, May 1, 2021,
- Labour reforms: How labour codes gave social dialogue, consultations a miss, Kingshuk Sarkar, May 13, 2021,
- As Poverty, Unemployment Rise India’s ‘poor’ Fiscal Response to Covid at 1.5 of GDP, Kingshuk Sarkar, May 14, 2021,
- Plight of Domestic Workers During Covid-19 Pandemic | Sarkar & Agrawal, Mainstream, VOL LIX No 25, New Delhi, June 5, 2021,
- Atma Nirbhar Bharat Package offers little to informal sector, Kingshuk Sarkar, June 9, 2021,
- Declining Female Work Participation in India: What does the Periodic Labour Force Survey Tell Us? | Samantroy, Sarkar, Pradhan, Mainstream, VOL LIX No 15, New Delhi, March 27, 2021,
- Why UK Supreme Court’s Uber Driver Verdict Can Impact Indian Gig Workers? Kingshuk Sarkar, March 10, 2021,
- NITI Aayog’s Draft Policy on Migrant Workers sees Migration as part of Development, Kingshuk Sarkar, April 21, 2021,
- Draft Rules on Trade Union Recognition and Activities are arbitrary and unreasonably restrictive, Kingshuk Sarkar, May 12, 2021
- Has Google’s monopolist tendencies hurt users’ interest? Kingshuk Sarkar, May 21, 2021,
- Plight of Domestic Workers During Covid-19 Pandemic | Sarkar Kingshuk & Agrawal Ayushi, Mainstream, VOL LIX No 25, New Delhi, June 5, 2021,
- Vulnerabilities and Insecurities of Fisheries Workers in times of Pandemic and Natural Disasters | Sarkar Kingshuk & Sekar Helen, Mainstream, VOL LIX No 32, New Delhi, July 24, 2021,
- Out of coverage: Labour Codes must ensure basic rights to gig and platform workers, Kingshuk Sarkar, August 21, 2021,
- Post-Covid labour market needs policy intervention, income support for vulnerable sections, Kingshuk Sarkar, August 30, 2021,
- Uncertain future: Trade unions can reinvent themselves, Kingshuk Sarkar, September 10, 2021,
- Tamil Nadu becomes second state after Kerala to establish the right to seat for workers: Needs replication in other states, Kingshuk Sarkar, September 11, 2021,
- Modi govt’s e-Shram takes digital literacy as granted. Won’t help unorganised sector workers, Kingshuk Sarkar, The Print, September 21, 2021,…
- Gujarat ban on non-vegetarian food vending illogical, harmful, Kingshuk Sarkar, November 27, 2021,
- Gig economy: India should ensure legislative protection to workers, December 21, 2022, Gig economy: India should ensure legislative protection to workers | Policy Circle
- Unemployment biggest challenge for FM in Budget 2022, January 11, 2022, Unemployment biggest challenge for FM in Budget 2022 | Policy Circle
- Budget 2022 must break the vicious circle of unemployment, aggregate demand, January 24, 2022,
- Budget 2022: Wrong prescription for unemployment, demand slump, February 08, 2022,
- Implications of the New Labour Codes on the Working Class in India | Kingshuk Sarkar, February 19 and 26, 2022,
- Labour market: Concerns over informalisation of the workforce, February 23, 2022, Labour market: Concerns over informalisation of workforce | Policy Circle
- Missing facts: Labour reforms debate in the context of India’s 4 labour codes, March 21, 2022, Missing facts: Labour reforms debate in the context of India’s 4 labour codes | Policy Circle
- Work from home to work from anywhere: How Covid-19 revolutionized workplace, April 6, 2022,
- Labour Day 2022: Workers’ participation in management remains a distant dream, May 1, 2022,, Labour Day 2022: Workers’ participation in management remains a distant dream | Policy Circle
- Explainer: Supreme Court ruling recognises sex work as a legal profession, May 30, 2022,, Explainer: Supreme Court ruling recognises sex work as a legal profession | Policy Circle
- NSO survey: Fall in unemployment rate linked to Covid-19 lockdowns, June 30, 2022,,
- Falling Labour Share Highlights High Income Inequality in India, July 18, 2022,,
- Invisible workers: Durga Puja artisans face socio-economic deprivation, September 26, 2022,,
- Budget 2023: Focus on infrastructure in northeastern region, January 29, 2023,,
- Sarkar Kingshuk and Venkatesh D N, May Day 2023: The unfinished agenda of labour protection,, 1st May, 2023
- Sarkar, Kingshuk & Venkatesh D N, Future of Work and Its Implications on the Labour Market, Mainstream Weekly, VOL 61 No 25 & 26, Jun
- Attended annual conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics at Institute of Development Studies, Jaipur Dec 9-11, 2004 and presented a paper titled ‘Collective bargaining in the tea plantations in West Bengal'
- Attended a consultative meeting titled ‘Productivity and Decent Work in the Tea Industry in India-A consultative meeting’ involving all stakeholders by the International Labour Organization (ILO), New Delhi on 24th March 2005 and worked as a rapporteur for the technical session ‘Globalization, productivity and decent work in the tea industry in India’
- Attended the annual conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics at Jawaharlal Nehru University, Dec 15-17, 2005 and presented a paper titled ‘State and tea plantation labour in India’
- Attended a workshop titled ‘First Asia link workshop on law and economics’ conducted by the Indira Gandhi Institute for Development Research (IGIDR), Mumbai in two phases of one-month duration (Aug 19-sept15, 2006) and one-week duration (11 Dec to 15 Dec 2006).
- Attended and presented a paper titled ‘Industrialization has failed to bring development in the tea districts of West Bengal’ at a workshop on Human Development in India conducted by the Indira Gandhi Institute for Development Research, Mumbai during 24-26 Sept 2007.
- Attended and presented a paper titled Profitability of Tea Plantations in India: Observations from West Bengal, at a seminar on Economic Structure and Development conducted by the Centre for Economic Studies & Planning, Jawaharlal Nehru University under SAP-DSA programme during 31 Jan – 2nd Feb 2008 at JNU, New Delhi.
- Attended and presented a paper titled ‘Impact of Panchayats on Rural Development in the Tea Districts of West Bengal’ at the International Conference on Three Decades of Decentralization in West Bengal: Lessons and Future Options conducted by the Institute of Social Sciences and Indian Institute of Management Kolkata at Kolkata during 12-13 Dec 2008.
- Attended and presented a paper titled Determinants of Profitability of Tea Plantations in India: Observations from West Bengal at a seminar on Development Economics conducted by the Economics Department, Jadavpur University during 19-20 Dec 2008 at Kolkata.
- Participated at the Advanced Winter School on “Philosophy for the Social Sciences” held at the ICSSR Western Regional Centre, Mumbai between 23rd and 31st January 2009 organized by Centre for Philosophy, NIAS, Bangalore, ICSSR Western Regional Centre, Mumbai and Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Contemporary Studies, University of Mumbai.
- Presented a paper titled “Industrialization Yet to Bring in Rural Development in Tea Districts of West Bengal” at the Fourth Annual International Conference on Public Policy and Management held at the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, India from 9th to 12th August 2009.
- Presented a paper at the Development Seminar organized by the Gujarat Institute of Development Research, Ahmedabad during 26-28 Oct 2009.
- Attended and presented a paper titled, Diversification of Economic Activities in Rural Areas: The Case Study of Makaibari Tea Estate in West Bengal at the Young Scholar’s Seminar conducted by the Centre for economic studies & Planning, Jawaharlal Nehru University under the SAP-DSA programme during 15-16 February 2010 at JNU, New Delhi.
- Participated in ‘Istanbul Seminar’ 2011 at Istanbul, Turkey organized by Istanbul Bilgi University and Reset Doc during 19-24 May 2011.
- Participated in the Two-Week Summer School on “Philosophy for the Social Sciences and Humanities” conducted by Manipal Centre for Philosophy and Humanities, Manipal University, Manipal during 4-15 July 2011.
- Presented a paper titled “Restructuring and Relative Profitability of Tea Production System” at the National Seminar on Building Competitiveness in a Globalised World: Experience of India’s Plantation Sector organized by National Research Programme on Plantation Development at the Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, January 2012.
- Presented a paper titled “Restructuring and Relative Profitability of Tea Production System” at the International Conference on Public Policy at the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore during 16-18 August 2012.
- Presented a paper titled “Changing Institutional Architecture and India’s Export Competitiveness in Tea” at the Tenth Annual International Conference on Public Policy and Management at the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore during Aug 3-5, 2015.
- Presented a paper titled Wages, Mobility and Labour Market Institutions in Tea Plantations: The Case of West Bengal and Assam at the 57th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics held during 10-12 October 2015 in Srinagar.
- Presented findings of a project titled Performance of Labour Administration in India at the National Level Tripartite Seminar: Enhancing Labour Administration’s Performance and Strengthening Tripartite Social Dialogue, held in New Delhi.
- Represented India in the ILO Conference on 'Labour administration reforms and Innovations: Efficiency and Outreach' held in Prague, Czech Republic, 8-10 Dec 2016 and made presentations on the following three themes on three different sessions on each of the three conference dates.
- Presented a Paper titled “Extension of the scope of labour administration to the informal economy in India' at the National Industrial Relation Conference at XLRI during 9-10 Jan 2016.
- Presented a Paper titled ‘Return to labour, innovation and inclusive growth in the context of Indian tea plantations: Recent happenings in Kerala and West Bengal’ at the Third Indialics International Conference on Innovation and Sustainable Development at Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala during 16-18 March 2016.
- Chaired a session on Plantation Agriculture at the Third Indialics International Conference on Innovation and Sustainable Development at the Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala during 16-18 March 2016.
- Delivered a talk on ‘Critical Analysis of Labour Laws Reforms and Social Security Issues’ at the Seminar on Labour Law Reforms and Implementation of Unorganized Workers Social Security Act 2008 at the Mahatma Gandhi Labour Institute, Govt. of Gujarat, Ahmedabad on 31st March 2016.
- Presented draft National Employment Policy (NEP) before the Secretary, Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of India on 1st July 2016 in the presence of other high-level officers representing other ministries and Niti Ayog.
- Presented a paper titled ‘Return to labour, inclusion and Indian tea plantations workers: Recent happenings in Kerala and West Bengal’ at the IX International Conference on Public Policy and Management at the Centre for Public Policy, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, 8-10 Aug 2016.
- Acted as a Discussant of a paper titled ‘Import Liberalization in India: Impact on domestic income and Employment at the PEP National Policy Conference, Indian Institute Foreign Trade, Kolkata, 19th Aug 2016.
- Made a presentation at a Workshop titled ‘Tripartite Consultation on Labour Administration and Social Dialogue on 20th Sept. 2016 at Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala jointly organized by ILO and Labour Department, Govt. of Kerala.
- Made a presentation at a Workshop titled ‘Tripartite Consultation on Labour Administration and Social Dialogue on 3rd Oct. 2016 at Bangalore, Karnataka jointly organized by ILO and Labour Department, Govt. of Karnataka.
- Made a presentation at a Workshop titled ‘Tripartite Consultation on Labour Administration and Social Dialogue on 20th Sept. 2016 at Chennai, Tamilnadu jointly organized by ILO and Labour Department, Govt. of Tamilnadu.
- Attended a conference titled “TERI-KAS Resource Dialogue on Resource Security: contextualizing domestic interests in the global trade and investment framework, 24th October 2016 at New Delhi organized by TERI, New Delhi.
- Attended a Forum on Training of Trainers Forum on Sustainable Learning Solutions for the Future at the ITCILO, Turin, Italy during 07-11 Nov 2016.
- Presented a paper titled ‘Changing world of work and labour market Institutions in India: The case for redistribution and implementation’ at the 58th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Labour Economics held at IIT, Guwahati during 23-26 Nov 2016.
- Made a presentation on the Implications of Child and Adolescent Workers Prohibition and Regulation Act 2016 at a Workshop on Child Rights organized by the Centre for Child Rights, National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata on 1st April 2017.
- Represented India at a Workshop on ‘Labour Management Relation for SMEs’ organized by the Asian Productivity Organization, Tokyo at Tehran, Iran during 25-29 November 2017.
- Presented a Paper titled ‘Lack of Universalization of Social Security in the New Social Security Code 2020” at the 62nd Indian Society of Labour Economics (ISLE) Annual Conference at IIT, Roorkee, 11-13 April 2022.
- Chaired a Session at the 62nd Indian Society of Labour Economics (ISLE) Annual Conference at IIT, Roorkee, 11-13 April 2022.
- Presented a Paper titled ‘The Status of Gig Workers in India” at the 40th International Labour Process Conference (ILPC) at Padua University, Italy, 21-23, April 2022.
- Presented a Paper titled “Fishery Workers in India Confront Climate Change Challenges and Lack of Legislative Protection” at the North-East Economic Association (NEEA) Annual Conference at Tripura University, Agartala, 16-18 November 2022.
- Chaired a Session at NEEA Conference 2022 at Tripura University, Agartala, 16-18, November, 2022.
- Presented a Paper titled “Reskilling Informal Sector Workers in India” at Globalizing Indian Thought (GIT) Conference at IIM Kozhikode 1-3, December 2022.
- Participated in a Paper Writing Workshop at the GIT Conference 2022 at IIM Kozhikode, 1-3, December 2022.
- Delivered a Keynote Address titled “Structural Transformation and Employment Generation in India: The Way Forward” at the 105th Annual Conference of the Indian Economic Association, CMS Business School, Jain University, Bangalore, 27-29 December 2022.
- Delivered a special lecture on “Labour & Employment” at the 105th Annual Conference of the Indian Economic Association, CMS Business School, Jain University, Bangalore, 27-29 December 2022.
- Presented a Paper titled “The role of gender and caste in accessing livelihood opportunities in Maharashtra” at the INDAM Conference at NMIMS, Mumbai, 06-08, January 2023.
- Presented a Paper titled “The role of gender and caste in accessing livelihood opportunities in India” at the 63rd Indian Society Labour Economics (ISLE) Conference at Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh, 01-13, March 2023.
- Presented a Paper titled “Fishery Workers in India Confront Climate Change Challenges and Lack Protective Legislations” at the International Labour Process Conference (ILPC) 2023 at Strathclyde University, Glasgow, April 12-14, 2023.
- Presented a Paper titled “Revisiting Employment Relations in Domestic Work from a Socio-Economic Perspective in the Context of Covid-19 Pandemic in India” at the International Labour Process Conference (ILPC) 2023 at Strathclyde University, Glasgow, April 12-14, 2023.
- Presented a Paper titled “Of sex workers and labour rights in Kolkata” at the International Labour Process Conference (ILPC) 2023 at Strathclyde University, Glasgow, April 12-14, 2023.
- Chaired a Session on “Sustainable and Green Work” at the International Labour Process Conference (ILPC) 2023 at Strathclyde University, Glasgow, April 12-14, 2023