- Ph.D. in Production and Operations Management (Indian Institute of Management Bangalore)
- M.Tech. in Industrial Engineering and Management (Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur)
- B. E. in Industrial Engineering and Management (R.V. College of Engineering, Bengaluru)

Areas of Expertise
Production and Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, Lean Management, Game Theory Applications, Business Statistics, Industrial Engineering.
Kiran K
Profile & History
Dr. Kiran K is currently Assistant Professor in Information Technology and Operations Management at Goa Institute of Management. He is a PhD from Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB) in the area of Production and Operations Management. He has completed his Masters from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur in Industrial Engineering & Management and has been recipient of Institute Silver Medal. He did his Bachelors from R.V. College of Engineering Bangalore in Industrial Engineering & Management and was awarded University Rank 9. His research areas are Production and Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, Lean Management, Game Theory Applications, Business Statistics, Data Analytics, Industrial Engineering and Public Policy. His research papers are published in reputed journals and he has presented his research work at various National and International conferences.
- Courses taught: Operations Management, Advanced Supply Chain Management, Materials Management, Supply Chain Analytics, Transportation Analytics, Business Statistics.
- Kiran K and Anshuman Tripathy, “Akshaya Patra Vrindavan: Operations and Resources Planning for a Mega Kitchen”, Harvard Business Publishing, IMB815-PDF-ENG, Feb 2020. (https://hbsp.harvard.edu/product/IMB815-PDF-ENG )
- Anshuman Tripathy and Kiran K , "Resource Planning at Akshaya Patra, Vasanthapura," Harvard Business Publishing, IMB475-PDF-ENG, Sep 2014. (https://hbsp.harvard.edu/product/IMB475-PDF-ENG)
- Kshitij Awasthi and Kiran K, "High Returns from Higher Education: Effect on Agricultural Income," Economic and Political Weekly, 51 (7), Feb 2016. (https://www.epw.in/journal/2016/7/notes/high-returns-higher-education.html)
- Kiran Kumaraswamy, Krishna Sundar Diatha and Siddharth Mahajan, “Quality Improvement Initiatives: A Communities of Practice Approach,” in 30th Annual Conference of Production and Operations Management Society, Washington, USA, May 2019.
- Mriganka Saikia, Krishna Sundar Diatha and Kiran Kumaraswamy, “Menstrual Hygiene Management for Adolescent Girls in India: A Dynamic Supply Chain Model,” in 30th Annual Conference of Production and Operations Management Society, Washington, USA, May 2019.
- Kshitij Awasthi, Kiran Kumaraswamy, and Ayona Bhattacharjee, “Healthcare Management in India: Redrawing policy framework for addressing variations,” in International Conference on Global Health and Medical Tourism, IIM Kozhikode, Kozhikode, India, Mar 2019.
- Kiran Kumaraswamy, Krishna Sundar Diatha and Siddharth Mahajan, “Communities of Practice in Quality Improvement Initiatives: A Game Theoretic Approach,” in29thAnnualConference of Production and Operations Management Society, Houston, USA, May 2018.
- Ashok Gantha, Kiran Kumaraswamy and Krishna Sundar Diatha, “Use of Alternate delivery models by online retailers with last-mile delivery constraints,” in 29th Annual Conference of Production and Operations Management Society, Houston, USA, May 2018.
- Kiran Kumaraswamy, Krishna Sundar Diatha and Siddharth Mahajan, “Quality Improvement Initiatives in Supply Chains: A Communities of Practice Approach,” in Production and Operations Management Society International Conference, Sydney, Australia, Dec 2017.
- Saideep Rathnam, Kiran Kumaraswamy and Krishna Sundar Diatha, “Success Factors for Lean Transformation of Supply Chains: An Empirical Study of Indian Companies,” in Production and Operations Management Society International Conference, Sydney, Australia, Dec 2017.
- Ravi Seethamraju, Krishna Sundar Diatha and Kiran Kumaraswamy, “Digitization of Small Retail Supply Chains in India – Antecedents and Challenges,” in Production and Operations Management Society International Conference, Sydney, Australia, Dec 2017.
- Tanuj Arora, Sahana Roy, Sravan Bandi, Krishna Sundar Diatha and Kiran Kumaraswamy, “Improving Menstrual Hygiene through Supply Chains: A Model for Rural India,” in Production and Operations Management Society International Conference, Sydney, Australia, Dec 2017.
- Kiran Kumaraswamy and Krishna Sundar Diatha, “Impact of Communities of Practice in Quality Improvement Initiatives in Supply Chain Management,” in 28th Annual Conference of Production and Operations Management Society, Seattle, USA, May 2017.
- Saideep Rathnam, Kiran K and Krishna Sundar Diatha, “Counter Traditional Concepts in Lean Supply Chains – Do they Impact Transformation Results,” in XIX Annual International Conference of Society of Operations Management, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, Kolkata, India, Dec 2015.
- Kiran. K, N.S. Shobha and Dr. K.N. Subramanya “Value Stream Mapping for Tool Management: A Case Study,” in International Conference on “Operational Excellence for Global Competitiveness”, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, R. V. College of Engineering, Bengaluru, India, Feb 2011.
2 + years in Academics.