- PhD, GGSIP University, Delhi.
- MSc, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun.
- BSc., Hindu College, Delhi University

Areas of Expertise
Manas Mayur
Profile & History
Dr. Manas Mayur is currently an Associate Professor in the Finance & Accounting area. Prior to joining GIM, he worked as a faculty in IMT CDL, Ghaziabad and IBS, Hyderabad. Dr. Mayur has more than 12 years of experience in teaching, research, academic administration, executive training, institution building and research mentoring. He earned his graduate degree from Hindu College, Delhi University and post graduate degree from F.R.I. Dehradun. He holds a PhD from GGSIP University Delhi in finance and his thesis area focussed on initial public offerings. He is a keen researcher and has published in the journals of national and international repute. His research interests are focussed around areas of capital market, corporate governance and behavioural finance. He is interested in exploring the psychology of investors. He has presented his research works in various national and international conferences. He has received best paper awards at various conferences. He has conducted various management and faculty development programmes in the areas like: quantitative techniques in research, statistical software like STATA and SPSS and equity investment. He is a firm believer of value investment and conducts open MDP on art of investment for people of Goa and regularly write columns on investing in newspapers and magazines. His teaching interests include corporate finance, capital market and behavioural finance. In his spare time, he is an avid reader, photographer, traveller and movie-watcher.
Courses taught: Financial Management, Strategic Financial Management, Security Analysis & Portfolio Management, International Finance and Behavioural Finance
- Mayur M. and Bir P.(2019) “Market Timing Strategies and Mutual Fund Performance”, Journal of Contemporary Research in Management, 14(1).
- Mayur M. (2018) " The Disposition Effect in Shares Trading: An Empirical Investigation”, Corporate Ownership and Control, 16 (1), 33-39.
- Mayur M. (2018) “Stock split announcement and stock price: Empirical evidence from India” , Empirical Economics Letters, 17 (8).
- Mayur M. & Saravanan P. (2017). “Performance Implications of Board Size, Composition and Activity: Empirical Evidence from the Indian Banking Sector”. Corporate Governance, 17 (3).
- Mayur M. (2016). “Agency Conflicts and Operating Performance in an Emerging Market”. Corporate Ownership & Control, 14 (1).
- Mayur M. (2015) “Relationship between Price-Earnings Ratios and Stock Value in an Emerging Market” Paradigm (Sage), Jan-June.
- Mayur M. & Mittal S. (2014) “Relationship between Underpricing and Post IPO Performance: Evidence from Indian IPOs”. Asia Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation (Sage), 10(2), p.129-136.
- Mayur M. (2014) “Valuing Watershed Services: An Empirical Study from India” FIIB Business Review, Oct-Dec.
- Mayur M. and Kumar M. (2013) “Determinants of Going Public Decision in an Emerging Market: Evidence from India”. Vikalpa– The Journal for Decision Makers, Vol. 38 No. 1.
- Mittal S. and Mayur M. (2012) “Ownership Change and Deterioration of Performance in Post-IPO Period: A Panel Data Analysis of Indian
- Firms”. The IUP Journal of Corporate Governance, Vol. XI, No. 2.
- Mayur M. and Mittal S. (2011) “Waves of Indian IPOs”. Asia Pacific Business Review, Vol. II No. 3
- Mayur M. and Kumar M. (2009). “Ownership and Performance in an Emerging Market: Evidence from Indian IPOs” The ICFAI Journal of Applied Finance, Vol. 15, No. 7.
- Mayur M. and Kumar M. (2007). “An Empirical Analysis of the Factors Influencing ‘Going Public’ Decision of Indian Companies”. The ICFAI Journal of Applied Finance, Vol. 13, No. 2.
- Mayur M. and Saravanan P. (2006). “Does board size really matters: an empirical investigation on Indian banking sector”. ICFAI journal of corporate governance, Vol. 5, No. 2.
Book Chapters:
- Sinha S. K., Sahay B. S. and Mayur M. (2006). “National Industries Limited”. Cases in Buisness Management, Allied Publishers.
- Mayur M., Pandey R. and Sebastian V. J.(2006). “ An Economic Valuation of Indirect Benefits of Watershed Management in Rural Rajasthan: A Contingent Valuation Study”. Green Business, Allied Publishers.
- Mayur M. and Kumar M. (2005). “Suzlon Initial Public Offerings”. Cases in Business Management, Allied Publishers.
- Mayur M. and Saravanan P. (2005). “Does board size really matters: an empirical investigation on Indian banking sector”. Advances in Research in Business and Finance, 2005, Vol. 5.
- Mayur M. (2017) “ Political Affiliation and Performance: An Empirical Evidencefrom the Indian Banking Sector” Presented at World Finance Conference, NIDA Business School, Bangkok, Thailand, December 2017
- Mayur M. (2014) “Market Timing and Operating Performance”. Presented at World Finance Conference, Venice, Italy July 2014.
- Mayur M. (2013). “Relationship Between Underpricing and Post IPO Performance: Evidence from India”. Presented at 10th AIMA conference, IIM Bangalore.
- Mayur M. (2012). “A Study on Determinants and Impacts of Indian IPOs”. Presented at 9th AIMA conference, Flame Institute, Pune.
- Mayur M. (2011). “An Empirical Investigation of Market Timing Behaviour: Evidence from Indian IPOs”. Presented at Indian Finance Conference 2011, IIM Bangalore.
- Mayur M. and Kumar M. (2008). "Ownership and Performance in an Emerging Market: Evidence from Indian IPO Firms". Presented at Second national conference on Indian Capital Market: Emerging Issues, 2008, IBS, Gurgaon.
- Mayur M., Kumar M. and Mahakud J. (2007) "Relationship between ownership and performance of IPO: A panel data analysis". Presented at COSMAR, IISC, Bangalore.
- Mayur M. and Kumar M. (2007). “An Empirical Investigation of Determinants of Going Public Decision of Indian Companies”. Presented at International Business Horizon INBUSH 2007, Amity International Business School, Noida.
- Sinha S. K., Sahay B. S. and Mayur M.(2006). “National Industries Limited”. Presented at International Conference on Management Cases, IMT, Ghaziabad.
- Mayur M. and Kumar M.(2006). “The Determinants of Going Public Decision: An Empirical Analysis of Indian Companies”. Presented at National Conference on Business and Economics-2006, ICFAI, Bangalore.
- Mayur M., Pandey R. and Sebastian V. J. (2006). “An Economic Valuation of Indirect Benefits of Watershed Management in Rural Rajasthan: A Contingent Valuation Study”. Presented at International Conference on Green Competetiveness, New Delhi.
- Mayur M. and Kumar M. (2005). “Suzlon's Initial Public Offering”. Presented at International conference on management cases -2005 at IMT, Ghaziabad.
- Mayur M. & Saravanan P. (2005). “Does board size matter: An empirical investigation on Indian banking sector”. Presented at International conference on business and finance-2005. ICFAI, Hyderabad, 2005.
Best Paper Awards:
- Research paper titled “Ownership and Performance in an Emerging Market: Evidence from Indian IPO Firms” was awarded one of the best paper award at Second national conference on Indian Capital Market: Emerging Issues, held at IBS Gurgaon and organized jointly by IBS, Gurgaon and Association of Indian Management Schools (AIMS).
- Research paper titled “An Empirical Investigation of Determinants of Going Public Decision of Indian Companies” was awarded 'Best Academician Research Paper Award' at International Business Summit & Research Conference, held at Amity International Business School Noida.
12 yrs