M. Sc. (Statistics), Ph. D. (Statistics)

Singing Semi-Classical and Folk
Areas of Expertise
Statistical Inference, Operations Research, Reliability Modeling, SQC
Rohit Mutkekar
Profile & History
Rohit Mutkekar has experience of 14 years in academics at Post Graduate level. He is a Gold Medalist in M.Sc. (Statistics) from Karnatak University, Dharwad for the academic year 2005. He obtained his Ph.D. in Statistics for his research work entitled ‘Statistical Inference in Reliability Models’ from Karnatak University, Dharwad in the year 2016. His areas of interest include Statistical Inference, Operations Research, and Reliability Theory.
Working as Associate Professor in the area of Operations at GIM.
Courses taught: Managerial Statistics, Operations Research, Bio-Statistics
- Katagal P. R.; Mutkekar R. R, “Demographic Analysis of the E-Banking users and Its Impact on Usage Pattern of Various E-Banking Services in India”, ELK Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Retail Management, Vol. 10, Issue 1, 16 – 33 (2019).
- Katagal P. R.; Mutkekar R. R; Garag A. G., “Exploring Internet Banking Service Quality Attributes and Its Impact on Customer Satisfaction”, Pacific Business Review International, Vol. 11, Issue 3, 18 – 27 (2018).
- Talikoti, S., & Mutkekar, R.R., Challenges & Opportunities of Digital Marketing in Rural India, Tatva - The journal of Management Scholars, 14, 17-21 (2017).
- Mutkekar, R.R., & Munoli, S, Estimation of Reliability for Stress-Strength Cascade Model. Open Journal of Statistics, 6, 873-881 (2016).
- Katagal, P., Mutkekar, R.R., & Garag, A., Service Quality Analysis of ICICI Bank in Northern Districts of Karnataka. International Journal of Advances in Management, 1(4(1)), 35-39, (2012).
- Munoli, S., & Mutkekar, R.R., Estimation of reliability in an accumulating damage shock model for a two out of three component system. Journal of Statistics Sciences, 4(2), 79-87, (2012).
- Munoli, S., & Mutkekar, R.R., Estimation of Reliability for a Two Component Survival Stress-Strength Model. International Journal of Quality, Statistics, and Reliability, 1-8, (2011).
- Katagal, P., Mishrikoti, A., & Mutkekar, R.R., Analysis of Customer Switching and Customer Relationship Strategies in Organized Retailing. TATVA, 8(2), 29-41, (2011).
- Kalkundrikar, A., Hiremath, S., & Mutkekar, R.R. (Eds.), Business Ethics and CSR (1st ed., Vol. 1, p. 555). Delhi: Macmillan India, (2009).
Book Chapters:
- Chiniwar S. G.; Hiremath S. G.; Mutkekar R.R., Globalization and Values – A Study of SMEs in Belgaum City, Proceeding of 13th International Biennial ISSWOV (International Society for the Study of Work & Organizational Values) Conference, pp. 88-95, (2012).
- Munoli S. B.; and Mutkekar R.R., Estimation of Reliability in a Non-Accumulating Damage Shock Model for a Two-out-of-Three Component System, Proceedings of International Congress on Productivity, Quality, Reliability, Optimization and Modeling (ICPQROM 2011), Volume I, pp. 57-64 (Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd, ISBN: 978-81-8424-708-4). The Congress was organized jointly by Indian Statistical Institute, Quality Council of India and Defence Research and Development Organization, (2011).
- Mutkekar R.R., Reliability Theory- Advantages in Business, Proceedings of 4th AIMS International Conference on Management, Volume 02, pp. 600-602 (AIMS International Publication), (2006).
- National Conference on Operations Management, Analytics and Statistical Methods organized by SDM-IMD, Mysuru on 06th January, 2017.
- Title of the paper presented – “Estimation of Reliability in an Accumulating Damage Shock Model for a Two-out-of-Three Component System: Damages follow Geometric Distribution”.
- UGC sponsored National Seminar on Statistical Inference and Stochastic Modelling organized by Department of Statistics, Karnatak University, Dharwad on 15th and 16th March, 2013.
- Title of the paper presented - “Estimation of Reliability for a Two Component Survival Stress-Strength Model”.
- 13th International Biennial ISSWOV (International Society for the study of Work & Organizational Values) Conference organized by ISSWOV, Dept. of Management and Marketing, Louisiana State University, LA, USA and Dept. of Management Studies, Goa University during 24th to 27th June, 2012 at International Centre, Goa.
- Title of the paper presented - “Globalization and Values – A Study of SMEs in Belgaum City”.
- International Research Conference on Management, Banking and Finance organized by Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies, University of Mumbai on 5th and 6th March, 2012 at The Oberoi, Mumbai.
- Title of the paper presented - “A Unique Approach to Enterprise Social Responsibility – The Case Study on Polyhydron Private Limited, A Small-Scale Enterprise from Belgaum, Karnataka”.
- International Conference on Recent Trends in Commerce, Economics and Management organized jointly by Smt. C. K. Goyal Arts and Commerce College and Choice College of Arts and Commerce on 24thJanuary, 2012 at Hotel President, Pune.
- Title of the paper presented - “Service Quality Analysis of ICICI Bank in Northern Districts of Karnataka”.
- International Congress on Productivity, Quality, Reliability, Optimization and Modeling (ICPQROM 2011) organized jointly by Indian Statistical Institute, Quality Council of India and Defence Research and Development Organization during 7th and 8th February, 2011 at India Habitat Center, New Delhi.
- Title of the paper presented- “Estimation of Reliability in a Non-Accumulating Damage Shock Model for a Two out of Three (i.i.d) Component System”.
- International Conference on Mathematical Computing and Management organized jointly by MACFAST Institute, Kerala and Department of Management Science, Victoria University, Australia during 17th to 19th June, 2010.
- Title of the paper presented - “Estimation of Reliability in an Accumulating Damage Shock Model for a Two out of Three (i.i.d) Component System”.
- Nirma International Conference on Management (NICOM – 2007) on “Enhancing Enterprise Competitiveness” organized at Institute of Management, Nirma University of Science and Technology – Ahmedabad during 5th to 7th January, 2007.
- Title of the paper presented - “Work Life Balance Bridge for Effective People Management in Technological Era”. This paper was jointly presented with Dr. P. M. Kulkarni.
- Fourth AIMS International Conference on Management organized at Indian Institute of Management – Indore (IIM-I) during 28th to 31st December, 2006.
- Title of the paper presented - “Reliability Theory – Advantages in Business”. The presented paper was also being included in the journal compiled with respect to the proceedings of the Fourth AIMS International Conference.
Experience of 14 years in academics at Post Graduate level