- PhD (IIT Delhi)
- Post Doc- NMML, Teen Murti Bhawan
- BA (History) Hindu College, Delhi University

Areas of Expertise
Leadership, Gender, Culture, Western Work World, Globalization, Workspaces
Shelly Pandey
Profile and History
Dr. Shelly Pandey has 10 years of academic experience in the field of Gender, Work, Culture, Migration, urban spaces and Globalization. She has taught earlier at Delhi School of Economics, Ambedkar University Delhi, National Rail and Transportation Institute. Her Postdoc researches were at the Women's studies and Development Centre at Delhi University and Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, Teen Murti Bhawan, Delhi. Her research interests include interdisciplinary approaches to study Gender, Urban Spaces, Globalization, Migration, Information and Communication Technology(ICT) and Work. She has written extensively on these issues and in 2012 was the recipient of the M.N. Srinivas Memorial Prize awarded by the Indian Sociological Society. Her Ph.D. is from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi on Gendered Experiences of the Globalized Work World in India. Her Post-doctoral research is on Afghan Sikh refugees.
Courses offered:
Leadership in Organization, Diversity at Workspaces
Also teaches/ taught at:
Delhi School of Economics, Ambedkar University Delhi, National Rail and Transportation Institute
- Bashir, S. M., & Pandey, S. (2024). Transgenders of the Mughal Empire in Hindustani Cinema: Politics of Representations in Period Films. History and Sociology of South Asia, 18(1), 7-22.
- Kataria, P. & Pandey, S. (2023). Stuck between the Ideal Worker and the Bread Winner: Experiences of Motherhood and Work during Covid-19 Pandemic in India. Equality Diversity and Inclusion. Emerald. (ABDC-B).
- Kataria, P. & Pandey, S. (2022). We should be Gender Inclusive and not Gender Neutral. IMI Konnect, 11(3), 31-40. (ISSN 2321 9378)
- Pandey, Shelly. (2021). Personal gets Political: Pandemic and Middle-Class women in India. Women's Link, 28(1), 57-61.
- Pandey, Shelly & Ilavarasan, P. V. (2019). People, information and culture: Locating forms of capital by Afghan Sikh refugees in India through ICTs. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 146, 331-338.
- Tara, Shelly. (2011). Private space in public transport: Locating gender in the Delhi metro. Economic and Political Weekly, XLVI (51), 71-74.
- Tara, Shelly., & Ilavarasan, P. V. (2011). Marriage and midnight work: A qualitative study of unmarried women call center agents in India. Marriage & Family Review, 47(4), 197-212.
- Tara, Shelly., & Ilavarasan, P. V. (2011). Cabs, male drivers & mid-night commuting: Public space of unmarried women call center employees in India, AI & Society: Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Communication., 27(1):157-163.
- Tara, Shelly., & Ilavarasan, P. V. (2009). "I would not have been working here!" Parental Support to Unmarried Daughters as Call Center Agents in India. Gender, Technology and Development, 13(3), 385-406.
- Vij, M., Bhatia, M. and Pandey, Shelly. (2014). Women's Studies in India: A Journey of 25 Years, Rawat: New Delhi.
Book Chapters
- Pandey, Shelly. (2018). Reinterpreting Gender in Globalizing India: Afghan Sikh Refugees in Delhi City's Built Environment. In Stub, A. (ed) The Routledge Companion to Modernity, Space and Gender (pp. 380-390). Routledge.
- Pandey, Shelly. (2017). New Meanings of Motherhood in Middle class homes in India. In Bhatia, M. (ed) Locating Gender in the new Middle Class in India, IIAS, Shimla.
- Pandey, Shelly. (2014). Consumer Agency of Urban Women in India. In Mathur, N (ed) Consumer Culture, Modernity and Identity. India, Sage.
- Pandey, Shelly. (2014), Gendered Practices in Middle Class Homes: Locating Women's Agency in Everyday Geographies. International Conference proceedings on Re Orienting Gender: Geographies of Resistance, Agency, Violence and Desire by International Geographical Union.
- Pandey, Shelly. (2013), Globalization and the Issues in Higher Education for Women. Seminar Proceedings of National Seminar Women and Higher Education: Challenges and Prospects by International Federation of University Women.
- Tara, Shelly. & Ilavarasan, P. V. (2012). Western Work Worlds and Altering Approaches to Marriage: An Empirical Study of Women Employees of Call Centers in India. In Pande. R., Weide. T. & Flipsen. N. (Ed.) Globalization, Technology Diffusion and Gender Disparity: Social Impacts of ICTs (pp. 262-276). IGI Global.
- Tara, Shelly. & Ilavarasan, P. V. (2012). Parents Reactions to Daughter's Unconventional Work Hours at Call Centers in India. In Bhatt, M. S. & Illiyan, A. (Ed.) Information Technology (IT) in the Indian Economy (p-231-243). India: New Century Publication.
- Pandey, Shelly. (2019) [Review of the book- 1-800-WORLDS, The Making of the Indian Call Centre Economy, by Krishnamurthy, M]. Contribution to Indian Sociology, 53 (1), 238-240.
- Pandey, Shelly. (2013) [ Review of the book- South Asian Feminism, by Loomba, A. and Ritty A. Lukose]. Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific, 33, 422.
- Tara, Shelly. (2012) [Review of book Working the Night Shift: Women in India's Call Center Industry by Patel, R.]. Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific, 30, 191.
- Occasional reviewer of Journals- Ethnography (Sage), Contemporary South Asia (Taylor & Francis), Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (emerald insights).
- (2018) Locating Lives of Refugees through Information Communication Technology: A Study of Afghan Sikh Refugees in Delhi City, funded by Ambedkar University Delhi.
- (2016) Ethnography of Kabulis in Delhi City: Locating Gender and Cultural Practices of Afghan Sikh Migrants, under Nehru memorial Museum and Library.
- (2014) Gender and Decision-Making Power in the Public Arena: A Comparative Study of India and Sri Lanka, funded by Indo-Sri Lanka Foundation.